REF Grant Evaluation Name of person completing evaluation* First Last Title of Person completing evaluation*School Name*Project Title*Number of students impacted?*Grade level(s):*How many staff members participated in your project?*Please list all staff member names.*What percentage of the project was funded by REF?*If applicable, please list other funding sources.Provide a short narrative of the implementation of this project:*How did this project enhance or support your curriculum or Riverview School District Student Outcomes & Indicators?*What student growth goals and/or state standards were met by this project?*What changes did you observe because of this project? / As a result of this grant, what are your students able to do differently (i.e., writing skills, artwork, teamwork, problem solving, etc.)?*Describe an ‘ah ha’ moment or give a story that will illustrate to REF’s donors the value of your project. Or provide a specific story about how this grant impacted one or more of your students directly. Please include approved photos or student quotes/comments on the project or activity.*How did you acknowledge the Riverview Education Foundation regarding this project (i.e. stickers, stamps, reference to REF in school newsletter or newspaper coverage, social media, etc.)?*Do you have any feedback to improve the REF grant process?*Upload images of your awarded grant Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. We love to share pictures! Please share your grant in action. Δ